The summer season of single mingle has come to its end. The Costume parties are underway and the couples with costume call to the single's heart. The sexy cop it is, again... Does the sexy cop crave a partner to fight crime ?
Are you tired of being the party of one? The holidays are around the
corner and holiday parties without a dance partner or drinking buddy don't seem to offer as much fun as they once did. How many times have you been stuck at the kids' table because you came alone--not to mention the pity party and the blind dates your friends and family insist you attend.
Are you tired of being alone? Have you been on more first dates than second dates? Do you want to find your best friend and partner for life? The "W"Right Ally will show you dating techniques for online dating as well as advice with today's dating apps. Get the advice to help you find the right person! Call Today 754-666-0930 or Book Online.
Do you know why you are still singe, honestly? Have you ever really thought about it? I am sure you have not met the right person yet...agreed?
Do you really know who or what you are seeking? Can you describe the perfect person for you? Are all your requirements superficial? Have you ever thought beyond what they must look like or how tall is required?
Sure, we want someone we can laugh and fun with regularly.
What about when you are not laughing or having fun? What kind of person is going to complement you and your life?
How you experience and live life should be a major factor in finding that life- long best friend.
How do you process information?
Are you primarily a thinker or are you primarily a feeler?
Do you need to understand the details or do you look toward the big picture?
What is your learning style?
These personality traits play an important roll in what we need when seeking. What do you know about yourself?
We spend so much time educating ourselves on worldly issues, media icons, politics, books, etc... but do we ever look inward and study ourselves? I'm not referring to your anatomy, physiology or pathology.
We have all kinds of methods and techniques to investigate and remember-- important conversation topics, current events, fun facts, politics, sports, gossip; the lists are endless. How about investigating ourselves?
Where are the methods and techniques you use for
your emotions,
your failures,
your successes,
your broken hearts,
your broken careers,
your everyday life.
What if you could turn your attention inward to your inner self? Let's not get confused, I am not promoting narcissism (includes an excessive need for admiration, disregard for others' feelings, an inability to handle any criticism, and a sense of entitlement..) I am saying, spend time getting to know you. How you feel and why you feel what you are feeling. And what is it exactly that you are feeling? Instead of focusing outward on worldly events and physical stimulation turn inward, self-reflect and get to know yourself.
While others may be heading out to wear their costumes one last time, maybe you get to know yourself and come join "Oneness In Presence". This will offer an evening of music, meditation, and open sharing as attendees explore and commune in the Oneness.
Dance, meditate, practice yoga, be FREE while bathed in the sound of Oneness in Presence. Wednesday at 7pm at the Emma Lou Olson Civic Center 1801 NE 6th St. Pompano Fl.